Bollywood does it again. Yet another potentiality good subject marred by awful script, characterization, bad direction and miscasting.
Lets begin with the story- two gangsters making it big in their own different ways and a disciple rebelling against the mentor can result in very dramatic situations. Also it can be used to draw and understand deep characters, their motivations. And if done right, it will appeal even to the front bencher and not just the elite. All theseis completely missing.The story is nothing much. Mumbai the city should have played a major part in the proceedings but it just remains a sidekick. The inspector and his plans sound like plans made by kids while playing chor police. Emran Hashmis father is there.. what about the rest of the family?? No other mention. The inter gangsta war also never happens. Why does Ajay decide to join politics? Because his wife has a heart disease. Absurd! Here, one totally fails to understand why Prachis Mumtaz behaves the way she does and hence fails to get any sympathy from the audience. So also Irfaan Hashmi and what makes him tick. All he does again and again is getting drunk and get infuriated at being slapped. Honestly, to think that makes him a Don is ridiculous.
The ambiance: 70s created almost successfully. The minor glitches can be forgiven.
Cinematography: Average. Mumbai during 70s, skyline, sea could have been captured so beautifully and made to be part of the story telling. But alas!
Music:The songs come at the wrong time and are just fillers although the music is good. The parda song could have beenpicturedto get the crowds go wild but it falls flat.
Direction: Disappointing.
Performances: Ajay is his usual self- good. He has done it ever so often but is watchable. Kangana is a revelation. Prachi- fails to impress cos of bad role. Randeep and EmraanHashmi are total disasters. Do not fit the role at all.
Conclusion: Yet again a verypromisingsubject goes down the drain.
But will it work at the BO? perhaps. With the college kids IQ level andfrontbench appealing dialogue, it just might.