Well as of today Milos Forman( Director) Ken Kesey( Writer) are legends but just think 1975; no one bothered about their works. Very few do know about the stuff Milos did before One flew over....(Taking Off is actually one the best works of Milos dating back to 1974.) Kesey himself took a break of about 20 years after this venture. Now this film is special for many reasons n am not talking about the oscars it has won n other awards( won 5 oscars actually, including the best actor). Many few people know this, the movie was actually produced by a very young Michael Douglas. He picked up his father Kirks( of Spartacus fame) best work on broadway and made it to a movie, but then when it came to picking up an actor for the role of Randle Patrick McMurphy he left out his own father, pickng up an obscure Jack Nicholson for the role Kirk had dreamt all his life to bring to the movie screen. As it turned out it was never meant to happen. In the end Michael got a bitter relationship and we got a piece of movie history. As of today One flew over..... and all it characters are immortal. Jack Nicholsons best work (allthough he came quite close in some others) got him a living legend status. Ma favourite character of the movie is ofcourse Chief Bromden. The film is a model example in every aspect of film-making.The story/plot is ma all time favourite. The acting is legendary. Even the tagline is remembered by many.... If hes crazy, what does that make you? . 6 of 5 for this Big Daddy.