The story is very charming. In Our Country being very poor condition for girls they are not save out area from her place. All People thinking very bad to girls they dont think that he have girls, sister and mother. We should be think it. Then our country progress when our countriess girls are comfort and save feel. So I like too much is very charminng they feel good. A beautiful girl preeti is girl from aligarh. She is selected AMU collage in aligarh.she want to study she is very intelligent and wish hounrable girl. But her parents do not wnat to study more. Because Coming Todays most Correption being so her parents was fearing much. But Coming days girls progress better than Boys. She reached high position and leave all behind and I speech that my Countries people Changing our thinking and do study every indain Girls because one save two family she cover every place one you see lady reach high steg then my indain people then you see ladies avablable do it right now. one says that if you save me can you progress but my dears thinking is no that. A Became president A girl became prime minister, A girl Became Chief minister than too your thinking is not changing why? More than More to be rapes in delhi as great city etc. where population is no think that she is my sister, they are not think she is my mother. what think there people.
In the course of his struggle, he comes across Preeti, who is a divorcee. she helps him prepare the speech. The two are successful in their fundraising, but, after the speech, She leaves a letter for him which states that she has lung cancer.s letter confesses her love for Rohit but states she has three months to live. When Rohit attempts to track her down, he finds that she has cut all ties in India and has disappeared.
After three years, it is a revealed from preetis journals that she is alive and that she had faked her cancer. Rohit goes in search of her in New York. After three months of extensively searching, he finds her at a jazz event and the two reconcile.
The book ends with the author visiting the rural school in Dumraon, three and a half years later, and seeing that both preeti and rohit are successfully running the school, and also have a son, Raghav. PLEASE SAVE THE GIRLS.