Five point got 5 points on probably 7 firstly coz the story progressedand finally coz it was the authors first attempt at doing anythingjustifyable to the tune of this magnitude. However One Night @ a CallCenter is a real pain in the rear end. The story starts off well pacedand talks about a bunch of kids working in a Call center along with anold man. Talks of the nice ride they have to and from work. However, none of this helps taking this story in a definitive direction. Theauthor goes on and on and on aimlessly talking about somebodys lovelife ( or not so lovely life) and parallelly about some other ladiesissue with her mother in law, an old mans issue with his daughter inlaw and his sons family amidst the glorious and extravagant life ofone happy kind among them.
We deal with a lot of people and hear a lot of things in our dailylives. Why does one want to pick up a book and then again be engrossedin such mundane stuff that runs through our days and nights. And afterall this aimless banter their is the unusual (Mr GOD) who unfortunatelydoesnt visit us when we fall in a pit.
Well I am sure most of you guys must be wondering does this guy evenknow what he is writing in the name of the review. This is exactly whatI felt when I read the book. Does the author even realize that we havereached the very end of the book and yet the reader is still unawarethat there was a story all the way which went unnoticed.
This book is a total waste of time. I wasted mine and I hope after reading this review you wouldnt wanna waste yours.
Cheers !!!