I think Mr. Bhagat should be congratulated for writing an unusual book. Its also wonderful that he wrote a book about an industry that everybodys cousin works for, but nobody has ever written about!
I believe that the major theme in the book, taking control of your lives with a goal in sight other than money and the importance of spiritual values in a confused civilization is a very good one.
However, I take strong exception to the way Americans and the Western world in general is criticized in this book. Mr. Bhagat seems to think that, after nearly six decades of Indian independence, the white man is still to blame for all our problems.
He has a special knack for what could be called dehumanising the enemy., portraying Americans as very stupid people who love junk food and divorce often. Cant we, indivdually and as a generation, accept responsibility for our own lives? Do we need to blame the Government and the West?
I dont believe so. And I would be very sorry indeed, the world would be very sorry indeed, if more books like this one are published. The right to freedom of expression is necessary, but this is the kind of poisonous propoganda that Hitler and the Nazis began with, to woo the German people.