I have not read Five Point Someone. However I am aware that the book was read by a decent number of readers. Chetan Bhagat wrote that book and was accordingly feted by the media. Intrigued by the hullaboo created in Mouthshut , I decided to read his second book One Night @ the Call Center.
As all bookworms know every best selling author worth his salt follow a self made tried and tested formula. Mr Bhagat also have formulated his own and it is working. Select an environment which is populated by young adults. Create some assorted characters who talk in trendy lingo. Sprinkle the plot with some sexual but casual friction. Bind everything with some shallow pop philosophy. Voila. You have a bestseller in your hand. I can bet my last rupee that his next novel will either be set in a software office or in any one of the IIMs.
What is the story Dude?
The plot revolves around six individuals who are working in a call center called Connexions. Shyam Mehra, the born loser is also the narrator. His best friend Vroom, a broken family offspring loves bikes and is a closet rebel. Then we have Priyanka, Shyam’s ex girlfriend who is currently engaged to a NRI. The fourth protganist is Esha, the small town girl who wants to become a model. There is also Radhika, the housewife who tries hard to juggle her job and home.Last but not least is Military Uncle, a retired army type who pines to spend time with his grandson. We also have Bakshi, their straight out from Dilbert Boss who takes sadistic pleasure in torturing Shyam.
Before the moon sets Shyam, Vroom, Esha, Priyanka, Radhika and Military Uncle realize that they are not happy with their lives. Ha. Better late than never. Is Chetan happy? God knows.
So who came to rescue them from their misery? Deepak Chopra? Robin Sharma? No dude, Chetan sab does not think small. He literally made God call these people from his heavenly abode. After a liberal dose of self belief tips and motivating speech God makes a deal with them. He saves them from near death but in return ask them to achieve their repressed goals. Like all good story the book ends with everyone solving their immediate problems leaving their readers happy and satisfied.
Give me the inside dope Dude
Frankly the book might surpass the readership count of Chetan’s last book in spite of some disastrous reviews in the media. In fact the not that hidden ambition of the writer to sell the movie or kam se kam tv serial rights to some first time producer does not seem mission impossible.
I did like the wry self depreciating humor of Chetan which is apparent throughout the book. The interactions between Shyam and Bakshi are pretty entertaining.
However if you peel the novelty factor from the plot what you have is a very simplistic and two dimensional representation of call center employees. It neither addresses the real issues or challenges facing people in the BPO industry nor the social stigma and physical stress they experience. We will have to wait for a better novel on the call center phenomena that is more realistic and have more sympathy for the people who work there. The other messages in the narrative like all Americans are dumb and need intelligent Indians to find the start switch of a microwave oven is so puerile that you feel like puking.
The style of writing is otherwise simple and cheeky. Chetan obviously does not want to be a high brow literary giant and has no qualms or ambitions to prove it wrong. In fact the style reminds me of a lot of reviews I have read in Mouthshut. Please take this statement as a compliment than an insult. Maybe Chetan also brushed his latent writing skills in some corner of cyberspace unknowing to us. With that positive note let me wish all of you a very Happy New Year.