I had heard about the author a few months back, but havent had a chance to pick up the book. Just recently while visiting reliance timeout, saw this book and immediately picked it up..
On the book..the book starts well..with a gripping narration. The language is light and easy to read.. something about the Indian authors that I like the most..one other book is "Inscrutable Americans" by Anurag Mathur.
The story is well scripted with easy movement between past and present. The emotion that characters go through is very real and something u will be able to associate thru your relatives or friends..
Till about 100 pages it is great fun to read..then the plot gets very filmy or unrealistic...the author overdoes it......having worked in a BPO.. ..most the stuff like going out whenever u want to etc is a wishlist. Also the stuff about trying to save the contact centre is too dramatic and too filmy and in reality it is impossible......these could have been avoided and the story would have been better...
Overall...i think it has a good start..but the author loses it midway and tries to pull things together, , , but alas !!! It is a book..u can avoid if u have something better to do...but if u have nothing to do..then u can read it ...