At the outset I would like to say that this has to be one of the most insulting books written about the BPO industry. The writer has chosen to base a book on a bunch of disillusioned kids who are seemingly the stereotypes of the BPO industry. Please Chetan give me a break. I have been working in the BPO industry for 3 years now and trust me the book does not even get close. Chetan makes people like us look like a bunch of sex starved, unprofessional zombies. Let me put it this way if the industry was that bad why would 3 lac people work in it?. Anyway back to the book. The moment I started reading the book I knew the story would make the BPO industry look stupid. The book starts with a justification of why Chetan is writing the book! like the BPO industry is a taboo field or something. Sure I must admit this is probably the first book that I have read on the industry but the least Chetan Bhagat could have done was research the industry. How he manages to get through the book without research is amazing. Honestly the amount of downtime (the time when there is no calling) the author depicts in one night alone would worry any outsourcer. In my years in the BPO industry I have never seen this much downtime. I am sure Chetan Bhagat wanted to sound sympathetic to the problems the BPO workers face but he is more busy making us sound like a bunch of young maniacs who are in no way interested in making a career of the industry. All the central characters sound detached from their jobs and are either pissed with their jobs or planning to move on. Come on Chetan mate not everyone in the industry is passing through. The only problem that chetan manages to depict correctly is the aversion people have in marrying men in the industry that is understandable. That aspect of the book too has been handled poorly. Do I recommend reading a book like this? NO. In fact let me find a publisher and I am sure I will be able to do a better job. His first book five point someone was better because he was there and he had probably gone through the whole thing. My recommendation do not become a Arthur Haley but the least you can do is get the facts right. I feel insulted after reading such a book and I shudder to think what the general public will think of the BPO industry once they have read this misleading book. And before I go, Chetan mate there is a thing called a quality departement there is no way any agent can do what you depicted in the book. If you are planning to write another book on the industry get in touch with me.