And it is out ! the much sought after book of chetan bhagat. One night at the call center. All I wanted to know the professional life of call center professional. But the chetan has highlighted the personal life of the character. Every one has its own problem of its own. Even we do have our own problems and the fact is that we need to solve them ourself. The call from the god comes from with in this is the true scrament of life. Untill and unless you dont reconize yours own potentials and limitation you are not going to do anything. Well I THINK I am going littel phliosphical type but leave the plot here and let me tell you about the book
ONE night at call center
It is simple..The book has six characters. each has its own problem. ones mother in law others husband, one ambitions and one/s carrer. Things are like that. so all of us we do have.. nothing new. And the call from the god. When I have not read this book I thought the conversation with the god could be interesting but after reading I find out it is all the same what we read in other books. However the writer is able to maintain the interest of the people till the end of the book. But after reading this book I had a sort of dissappointement that I was not looking for that. Its my own view may be people have their owns..
One night
the books begins with one night and ends with one morning. All well that ends well. At the end of you think it is disappionted. We cannot call this book a fable of fablous to sort out problem in one own life. Yes this book can be enjoyed as a fiction because it keeps you moving all the time. NO suspense what happend next and no morals and guideline. I felt dissappointed may be others not...
final call
I am reading its first book and will right a review on its soon. But I find bhagat as a youth writer quite interesting. It is just a start from him. may be his next book will have something more to offer...