I am not much into reading, but when i plan to read i read some offbeat books. No big names, no popular books. I would like to review One part woman, my recent read.
Author - This novel is written by Perumal Murugan, a tamil writer.
Plot - It is the story of a childless couple with a strong desire of having a child, depicted with sensitivity, anguish and gentleness. Though this is a work of fiction but Murugan used actual names of places and communities, This invited a backlash from the community and from other organizations in support. He has to face many legal consequences due to this, people burnt this novel and showed their anger in opposition.
Writing - Very captive and involving, I didnt want to keep this book down during my read.
So if you want to read something unconventional then go for this. This book is available on amazon and flipkart. Also, i think this is available in Tamil.
Happy reading :)