One Piece is actually one of the best shows Ive ever seen, anime or otherwise. The plot is pretty basic at first. Monkey D. Luffy has just set out on his own to find the legendary treasureone piece and become Pirate King, and hes looking for a crew to sail with him. Youll find yourself falling in love with each and every new member as Luffy finds them. Theyre all extremely well developed, with interesting backgrounds and unique, fun personalities. They form one very quirky crew thats always discovering new adventures and somehow getting themselves into trouble as they strive to achieve their dreams. Each main story arc introduces new minor characters as well, and theyre just as much fun and easy to fall in love with as the Straw Hat crew. Not one character is left out or feels like theyre there for no reason. Everyone has a purpose and adds to the storyline, and one of the really cool things about One Piece is that thesepurposes often resurface at later points in the series. No detail is left untouched, and youll seriously be amazed by the way Oda threads together plots and characters and blends all their stories perfectly the more the series progresses.
The plot itself, though fairly straightforward at first like I said, quickly evolves into something HUGE. Much of the beginning of the series is dedicated to forming the crew and letting you get to know the characters, though its definitely never lacking in action, but once they reach the Grand Line, youre swept up in adventure after adventure and following some of the most fantastic story arcs youll ever watch. The battles and fights are well-paced, with the final boss fight almost always being completely EPIC. But even through the action, One Piece never quite loses its lighthearted, humorous edge. The episodes are sprinkled with PLENTY of funny moments, never too many and never too few. Theres always a wonderful balance of action and humor.
One Piece also has its fair share of heart-wrenching moments, which may take you by surprise! There are some EXTREMELY powerful scenes and episodes that kind of blindside you and leave you wondering when you became quite so emotionally attached to certain characters or other things. Ive definitely found myself near tears or actually crying at more than one point. One Piece has it all - amazing characters, the never-ending yet never TOO over-the-top humor, exciting battles, fun adventures, heartbreaking moments with quick to follow touching moments. And underneath everything, theres always the theme of friendship and teamwork, of working to reach your dreams and helping those closest to you achieve theirs, of growing and maturing as a person and discovering the power within yourself to overcome obstacles of any sort, of just BEING THERE for the rest of your crew when they need you - of being NAKAMA.
In a word, One Piece is perfect. And perhaps Im just biased, being an obviously OBSESSED fan at this point, haha, but what can I say? Its been running for 344 episodes so far and not ONCE have I wondered or hoped that it would start to reach an end. It is, simply put, amazing.