WALLET TXN ID 5751069594: DATE: 20 JAN: TIME: 11:31AM
An amount of 3185 was paid to 9252513333. It also gave a message that the transaction was successful. THe number belongs to one of my vendors who then called me and told me that the number mentioned above DOES NOT HAVE PAYTM.
HE CAME TO MY BUSINESS TO VERIFY THE SAME. He has a paytm on a different number. IF the person does not have a paytm downloaded on his phone, how can a transaction go through. Moreover it gave a message of successful transaction.
I contacted paytm atleat 26 times to resolve this matter and every time they gave me a different answer. The problem is still unresolved and I continue to follow up. Most probably planning to take legal action.
The worst part even when you write to the corporate office, nobody reverts back.
Now you can imagine that paytm might look easy to you but the moment there is a problem, you will regret why did you download this trash.
Now Immagine if someone steals money from your wallet. do you honestly think that anyone will help you?
Sucheta Jethani