I have installed this app ten days before. OneAD is one of the money earning app in Google playstore.
The Concept of this app earning money by creating a network with our referals. OneAD is just for advertising of marketing products.
After installing, One should register with the information and then create a network by inviting our friends to be part of the app. For each referal they will offer very low amount.
The only way of earning in this app is inviting friends. If any member who was invited to our network uninstall this app our level of earning will decrease.
I have refered nearly 14 members but this not made me happy with its payment. I wasted my valuable time in using this app by refering.
Secondly there appearing many advertisements in my lock screen which made my mobile to hang and slow working.
I recommend everyone not to use this OneAD appplication and rate it bad on Playstore.
I hope my review will helpful to decide weather to use OneAD application or not.