Sanjeev kumar from patna bihar. I will give you a geniun review on any product which I bought and use that for a long period.today I am going to review on ONEAD app which is spreaded in the market for online earning app.
Onead app is a miatry for me I am using this app via 24 days but I m not able to underatand that how the people earns from it.because there is no easy way to earn easily with this app. There is a 12 level in it. First of all you should read its term and condition which is written by its developers. There is a lots of process starting to end of it.lets start, first of all you have to download this app via link which is easily get on youtube where you have to search onead then in the video description you can see its link when you click on its link its qill go you in playstore where your app is flashing you have to click on that and doqnload.well there is a tough process to resigter in it.first you have to refferal code filling which is getting on that link. You should fullfil all you detail in it like name address town phone numbwr and bank account.bank account or paytm both can withdrawl your cash after 23hour. You can earn from it via playing games .lots of games spin game and variety of gemes you will in it for earn but in each game you have to play for many stages then you will get very few coin . In this app 100 coin get to earn 1rs. All games are boring and very tough as your stages and ranking level up. And also you can share it with friends and relative by sharing whatsapp and facebook also.
Well you if you want to a perfect and standart quality of earning app they I would like to say this is the good one for your requirnment. Its logo is very classi like a profesaional and what a way of colouring loved it but function is average in my view and also verified by othera users review where he got average after using. Thia app has a marvellous design at all. Fist and 2nd pages is standup looking like banking app private banking.i salut of onead developer where he have wonderful given time on this app.definetly its is a very wonderful app in scence of layout and designing one the best app I have evwr seen like its standard of designing scense.but the last and third page of this app is not good and dissapointing where there is not attractive look at the end page of this where you can see your money and activation of your friend and your increasing levwl at this app.
If you wants to know about its function and feature then I would like to say that this app has too many feature and functions which is so disapointing and very tough levwl to cross using a month also. I m using this app from last 7 days where my money is under 10 and level one where in my team 3 membwrs arw activated they installed this app via my onead id link. There are lots of function like aharing your friends through your link via whatsapp and facwbook where you will see a link that is refferal link code.you have to copy that link and paste it in your profile where it is required. After coping this you have to verified your phone no via sms .after completing this your account will be activated then you will see a sharing link which is reffer to your friend through whatsapp and facebook when your friwns install this then your level willbup and money will be added in your account after 24 hour .
I f you are talking about this app is it use ful or not then dwfinwtly I would like to say that .yes it ia useful for those who have a strong bond on whatsapp and facebook where there is a lots of group .you should send in thats groups and said them for installation via using you link. And also told to them share more friends via my link.then you will cross remain level . Your money will counted via games which is instant witdrawl via paytm or bank account but level money which you earned by sharing will in caah after one month so keep levwling up and earn lots of monwy by sharing like teams . You share two people and told them to share two people also thwn your team will perfwct and you can earn up to1k in amonth more membwrs more you can earn.in my opinion I would like to say that not easy to use its too tough for earning in camparison of othera apps.
Thanku for reading .please like my reviews not only read . I took lots of time to giving a review for all of u so please understand and press a useful like to me.keep supporting that I give you mire review on more product which I use for a long time . I will share my experience on thwm which is good or bad both I will give u and my opinion for using or not also.
Sanjewv kumar
11march 19.