My Relationship Number for OneAssist is 13717415. I have purchased OneAssist insurance for my Iphone 12 Mini, plan worth Rs 5839.2.
This Iphone is gifted to me by my Wife Gunjan Mishra and She used Amazon Account of her Sister in Law to surprise me, when I was buying the one Assist plan I told everything to the Sales person because Iphone Invoice named with Radhika Sharma(Sister In law), So he assured me that no problem will occur at the time of insurance claim I just need to tell everything to One Assist guy at the time of Claim. I did the same and now I am claiming for the insurance but they are refusing by saying The Name of the Member on Phone Invoice and Insurance Invoice are not same.
I will attach some mail by one assist which I got on the time of purchase, I got welcome mail With the Radhika Sharma Name and when I got One Assist Insurance Invoice there they have mentioned my name Shivam Gupta. That time only I talked to the One assist support guy so he told me not to worry Sir there will be no issue on the time of claim so Now they are just simply refusing my claim by saying Invoices name are not same.
So when they are selling any product they will simply say yes to everything and make you believe in it as well.
Now I want to ask whose fault is this, they are telling me now I should read the term and conditions. Seriously who used to read the terms and conditions when your seller guy is assuring you with everything that he will take care I do not need to worry.