Heres the revie of my new one plus 3
1 design: out of the box impressions, this probably is the biggest and slimmest oneplus devices yet.
2 HARDWARE: ram Management is highly efficient and the device never lags despite several apps running in the background.snap dragon 820 being this years best chip available in the market with many flagship devices.
3 THE FINGERPRINT SENSOR: the sensor is super fast and for the first tme cant live without it, despite having used this feature on other devices like the oneplus,
4 DASH CARGING: dash charging is a life saver as I havent seen any device charge this fast the phone reaches the 60% charge with 30 minutes of charge and neither the device or the adapter heating much as both remain mildy warm while charging.
5 CAMERA: the rear cameraon the one plus 3 does a decent job and ther is a manual mode to get that perfect shot.the fron camera of the phone is also good however the exposure is alittle higher and can be reduce manually.
6 SCREEN: the screen is perhaps another one good thing which I like about my op3 as the device never heats even a several hours of usage. the amoled on the phone though it may not be vivid and rich in colour, it offers decent colour reproduction and the battery consuption is also quite due to the screen as it uses very less power when campared to the full HD led ips disdplays.
7 BATTERY: wiith a full charge below is my observation on various different types of usages. gaming on wify 6-8 hours of continuos gaming with a remainng 20-25% battery