This is only great mobile which you ever seen any where with this type of feature because this is the only mobile which have price above maximum 30, 000/- and this the mobile having high speed features and latest speed technology and having a lot of internal storage .and only this is the mobile have you ever seen only this mobile is having two sim slots both can putted in to 4g slots and this mobile ram is very a lot no one the mobile has those much of ram even and when you are using these type of mobile you feel very comfortable any where where does you can this mobile has high speed of network so you easily can do anything at seat at anywhere you can see the movies, any other., you can listen music, you are able to take a lot selfie and you can able to have a lot of new features which a computer can have and when comes to the customer service this is the branded mobile for this only through the towns and cities you can go ask any mobile shop keeper any thing wrong happen to the mobile.and also there is one more option for this just you have to call the mobile customer care officer he can solve the problem whatever it may be he the person can solve at any time so from the side of customer care service there is more and many advantages through the one plus customer care but not any mistakes from them and when comes to the charges and billings it mostly depends on our usage if you want to pay through our mobile it is very secure mobile where you ever seen any where it is only most and much american product which can put all the file in secured manner it is not able to get hack even that is the super special of the mobile.from the top to bottom it is very smooth because I have using it company products so I can say that and one more thing is that is by buying you can made a special person in our all can say that what a person who is using a special trending mobiles by that you can enjoy a lot in your life many uses are with that you can solve easily in our life. so by conclusion please by the mobile for our get success.