Well, I just signed up and thought my first review should be for the calling card that also I just signed up for, over at onesuite.com. The process could not have been easier. The website is totally user-friendly, with all the information front-and-center: the features are in one column, the rates are in another, and if you need even more info about rates calling from somewhere outside the US, just click on the "more rates" link and then youll be taken to a scroll-down page, so you can check out the cost from practically any country to any other country. I must say this is so much better than all the other calling card sites Ive checked out; it doesnt look like theyre hiding anything, and its all laid out and organized so that your eye travels across the page pretty smoothly and you can find the info you need quickly. All in all, its quite professionally done (compared with those shady calling card sites that look like theyre coming out of Krakistan).
As for the rates themselves, I must say Im impressed. Ive got family in Vancouver, BC, and now I can call them for less than 2 cents per minute. That probably comes out to less than Im being charged just for my basic phone service. All the other rates are pretty cheap, as well, and in the "whats new" box you can see whatever their newest promotional rates are, or new locations that are availalble for calling. Lastly, the variety available here is amazing. Im pretty sure that Ill never end up traveling to a country where I cant already use my onesuite card.