These people have saved my wallet on more than one occassion. Every time I run over on my cell phone minutes, I can call from a landline using my onesuite account and it beats paying the steep cell phone overage charges. When I was in Mexico over the summer I didnt feel like paying the steep international prices for cell calls, so it was onesuite time again -- and it works from pretty much every country, check the site for a list. Plus its a nice little safety backup in case your phone ever goes down or youre in an area where your cell isnt working -- instead of calling collect or charging it to your credit card (god forbid) theres your onesuite account ready to keep it all good and cheap. Never had a dropped call, never had a problem with the service, never had static, never had a monthly charge or a pin to dial. Theres a new Broadband Access feature that lets you call from your computer pretty much anywhere in the world, I havent tried that yet but Im looking forward to it.