After Bruce Lee we had Jacky Chan, then Jet Li, then a couple of wannabes from Wu Xia capers. Enter Tony Jaa from Thailand. The story and dialogue in this latest Asian import are lean, leaner than some of the fighters who lose in a couple of punches, but man, can this guy move! No exorbitant theatrics or Matrix-style computer gimmicks. Just watching him dash across narrow streets, leaping over cars, fences, and other tall things as though they were soft pavements, is enthralling. His elbow-to-the-head combat skills are even more jaw-dropping, literally--they should enamor any kung-fu or karate buff whos ever liked a martial arts film. The DVD informs us that Jaas fisticuffs are based on Muay Thai. Soon as I am done with this review I am off to google for what that is all about. Meanwhile, if you like your action served raw and rare, this should make for a thrilling rental.