My choice was Onida 29 poison 1200W (PIP). I went to buy a TV with PIP(Picture in picture) facility. But came to know from dealer that PIP actually reduces life of picture tube because of this only Sony quit their PIP model to produce. So I gave up that idea. Then I saw this piece of Onida, I heard it and I bought it.
Looks to die for and a sound experience to live for. Thats Ondia Poison 2000 summed up for you. Glance through the features and youll know just why. The Poison 2000 comes with a Unique 8 Speaker System:(6 speakers in 21 Poison 2000). The 4 Full Range Speakers enhance vocals and other mid range frequencies. The KY Hi-Fi system offers richness in sound by enhancing the low frequency sound waves. This combined with(KY Inside) technology helps to produce sound with complete faithfulness to the original at all volumes levels.
Yeah.that’s true.this master piece has such ballistic sound that my ears couldn’t resist to own it. KY Inside sound is just unmatchable to any other TVs or even other music systems. You must have heard large music systems like Sony 3000W, but this is not far behind. Most importantly you are getting this in a TV, which is beyond imagination. Now I don’t need to buy any other music system. I just bought a Philips DVD player worth Rs 3400/- and I can enjoy my favorite MP3 songs with the KY Inside with genuine sound. It give me a feel to own a great music system. Whenever I start on theBass, a visitor oftenly gets surprised that a TV can have such a sound. Its just a feeling of proud moment.
*What is(KY Inside) technology?
Human ears are capable of hearing sound within a frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 KHz. But in practical situations, it is not easy to listen to the low frequency sound, especially below 100 Hz, and therefore most of this information in low frequency range is lost to the human ear. According to Onida, KY technology focuses on retrieving the sound information in the low frequency range, which otherwise would have been lost, and then boosting it to a level where we can comfortably hear these sound bits. KY achieves this with the intelligent integration of sound separation IC, audio amplifier, speakers and special enclosures for the speakers.
They claim that KY technology is the result of extensive research by the sound engineers at Onida. At least I can trust it on the basis of performance I’m getting.
Well its not about the sound only.even picture quality is amazing. It give sharp image and excellent resolution with true colors. Only the thing is that you have to keep a distance of 10 feats to enjoy it. Its bright and sensible picture keeps you to seat in front of it fro long time.
Along with its sound and picture the most important feature I liked is its digital eye function. It adjust the brightness of the picture as per the light present in the room area. I can feel the brightness adjustment even if I switch ON/OFF my moon bulb. Even if somebody passes the screen it activates. This is really sensible feature and congrats ONIDA on this front.
LCD remote is gr8 feature to have but more scope for improvement. Initially you feel extremely pathetic to operate this remote, but as it becomes handy and you comes to know the buttons then it becomes OK. LCD screen always shows the date and time, instead it is expected to show TV related information with the status of various parameters. You can set auto timer on/off, program your favorite channels, set different modes of sound as per your requirements. Sometimes I feels that the remote signals are quite week, Ive to press a button 2-3 times to activate it. I tried changing batteries, but didn’t worked. Remote looks are not really appealing, its quite simple. Instead my Philips DVD players remote looks extremely sexy and its light in weight too. Remote has some feature which doesn’t work like FM radio, surround bass. Dealer told me that these feature doesn’t come with this model, then why the hell those are provided on the remote!(ONIDA might be looking to cut down their costs by providing same remote to all models)
Music Mode is a great feature to have. The video is switched off but the sound plays through the speakers so you can relish just the music. I always listen to stunning music onM TV/V TV/ETC channels while reading newspaper in music mode.
Tvs looks are great. Curvy speakers gives nice aesthetic sense. Flat screen expresses high end technology at you doorstep.
If you are rally wanna own a TV with gr8 sound and picture then go for is made for you.but prepare to handle some complex features and to give your time in exploring the functions on remote!