I had purchased one product from Rediff Shopping with order Number Order #14712821 two weeks back.
The product delivered was faulty, used and local product instead of ordering Branded Product.
.The product is of bad quality and price should not be the even the 1/50 of the price quoted by Rediff Shopping.
After numerous complaint to Rediff Online Customer Support which is equally pathetic, I got a mail to send the faulty product back to the seller, which I did with my own money.Till now I have not got the refund but they have got my money and the product and even the courier charges. Rediff is not responding to the mails sent to them with this regard.
This is the way Rediff Online Shopping is cheating the public and minting money.
Request people to stay away from Rediff Online Shopping until and unless you want to get cheated. I am still waiting for the refund even after several reminder.
Pls avoid Rediff Online Shopping