I Just purchase everything online now I have knowledge and I want to share my knowledge for the Viewers.Follow these step before any online shopping I think these step will help you alot.
Your Requirement
First of the all identify your Requirement what you wanna purchase because in the market there are so many company which full fill your requirement, But its depends on you which company is best for you and best product for you.Suppose you wanna purchase a mobile first check your requirment how much camera you want and how much battery you want than you can purchase a product.
Product comparison
After your recruitment than you will find there are so many companies which full fill your requirement then compare all the product in details they you find your best product.
Checking review of your Product
After searching brand and your product then check the review on mountshut.com or any other site ya you can view video review of your proudct .
Than checks the Pros and cons of the product.If all things are suited than Check Price
Price Comparison
Every site give differ price of the product please research it on the main sites than compare the price of the product and the delivery option and delivery charges because it very from different vendors.
Chose Best Site
There are so many website in the E commerce market which give genuine product and also so many which give fake product and can stole your money so be careful before buying any product.Before purchasing any product firstly check the Website review is this website is Genuine or fake .
Return Policy
Return policy is the main thing about the online shopping if sites gives good offer but not having good return policy than its not good .
Payment Methods
Lastly check payment method of the Site because there are so many payments gateway who will give you huge discount.
I hope so you will like these instruction.