I am regular buyer on snapdeal and till now I never faced much of a problem. I also wrote a good review about snapdeal on this forum. In recent order they made it look how they take customers for granted
But what I have gone through is horrible and the service provided by SNAPDEAL is worst. they claim that they have dispatched through through courier partner ECOM and expected delivery date was 09 Sep. It was not delivered till date. The snapdeal has coolly send me a email on 18.09.2014 stating that it couldnt be delivered on repeated attempts.
(i) I have received from the same courier on 17.09.2014 two deliveries through PAYTM.
(ii) I contacted SNAPDEAL customer care repeatedly for refund if it couldnt be delivered by email and phone. they promised me that my item will be delivered within 24 hrs.9228168, 9251228, 9193091 complaint nos.
Why SNAPDEAL should take orders for items which cannot be delivered/ use a dealer who cannot ship the items on time.
SNAPDEAL wake up before it is too late.