Hello guys
I writing this review to aware all of you.
You can see an advertisement on Facebook saying that it offers 80% off on product and they show you a very good looking pic of shirts and combo of sone products but actually the fact is something else. I bought a combo of 3 shirts from this site at 699 n I thought it will be at least wearable shirt but when I received the products I see the absolute worst fabric made cloth and that was not even the color which I ordered, and I decided to return the product as they have mentioned the goods can be returned but when I applied for return they dont evenreply my mail and when I tried to call then they were not available and I keep sending the mail to the company but they never reply.
I lost my money by buying the product from this site and got a pathetic clothes which is not wearable at all, and even the shirt stich was so bad that if you even dare to wear that you will think that the shirt will get teared.
So I guggest all of you that I already lost my money but you guys dont fall for this trap and save your money and buy fron other reputer site. If you ever see any online store if offering that much low price ant dont show their orivinal site name as there Facebook page name then just ignore and conplain about that site wherever possible. And save your money and help other to samce too.
If you like ant find it helpful then please rate my review.