Please contact me on my email below if you want to check about this bunch of road side idlers putting up a website and print some memo, quotation pads and start importing as transport company.
Their goon leader is Sandeep
They will quote slightly low, prmose high, hide GST...which they dont pay to govt but once consignment is woth them They will send invoice with 18% GST
They dont have any trained experienced packing team, again road side daily wagerers will come and break your stuff, once the loading done They will take away the truck, then blackmail starts They will say this or thatstuff was not there in quotation...they will pick up any small item ...then hike the rate ...once agree woth force again invoice will come online with GST, when you ask they will start hinting that truck will not move unless payment is done in full, now after this extortion, the transit time will be 1.5 times of promised, again at unloading some daily wagerers will come who will just throw your stuff at your house door and tell they are not supposed to unpack and arrange the articles.All in all Goonda, Chor company
My email GS_DHIR2004@YAHOO.COM