I have owned a Corsa 1.6 GLS since April, 2000. It was the first Corsa in Bangalore.
We have driven about 30, 000/- kms in this time, mostly between Bangalore and Cochin, on the highway.
The car is a dream in terms of handling, power to weight ratio and the overall performance at high and low speeds and in all kinds of tricky conditions like wet roads, etc.
We have had two reasonable accidents in this car. The first was when an ST bus sideswiped the car from front right - hand side. The entire right front fender was damaged, the airfilter and all that broken. The windscreen did NOT break as didnt the window on the drivers side. We also drove the rest of the 350 kms to Cochin with no issues.
Another time we were hit from the back by a truck. The boot was a writeoff, the back windscreen broken - BUT - my wife, sleeping on the back seat did not even fall off the seat at impact.
This car has very good crumple zones and consequently protection for the people inside. Also, their metal is of a thicker gauge than other cars.
The Corsa does not have an ABS - Anti Skid Braking System - still, a couple of times when I have had to make an emergency stop, without even any time to think when all you can do is to slam on the brakes - the car stopped straight, with no skidding, no sliding!
The mileage is 9-10 in the city and 14.9 for us on the highway - with full A/C on all the time.
The suspension is a dream and we have not spent a single rupee beyond the routine service requirements till date.
On roominess - the front is great, the back a little cramped and the back seat is also quite UNCOMFORTABLE.
All in all - we do believe that it is a great vehicle, solid, dependable, fast and a great drive!