This me boys is something I cannot live without
i purchased it in 2004 and have clocked around 85, 000 kms...and it still feels new
i do not understand how...its milage is around 11-12 in city with a/c and 15 on the highwayz with a/c
the worst milage I ever got was 5.5 due to raccing allot...75% of full tank wasted on racing...
i do not send this car for servicing...i keep filling all the oils and stuff fuel pumps...this car has not given any problem so far...i am actually in love with it...well the top speed I have driven in this car is 195...(which people call speedo error...they say itz not possible ...but it really happened...and trust me the whole car was vibrating that time...) anywayz..usually when I make trips to pune/lonavala now dayz...i do not rev the car hard...i just drive on 5th gear from 70-80 onwards....and the car goes upto 160 times when im in the mood..then at 140-150 I put it in 4th gear and go upto full rpm...oh I fergot to mention I have a freeflow installed on my car...i installed that when my car was driven around 5000 feels soo good revving this car ...its actually value for money...and for those who will be surprised with the kms driven and car not giving any problem till date..will be more surprised to know this...
my cousins live in the same building..and even they own a sail..and that car..believe it or not..has been driven almost two lakh kilometers...that was purchased around early does not have a tacho...anywayz..the car is soo has had a few accidents..only body affected that also not much..bangs were hard but no dent at all..only scratches..which come out with polishing..the reason why the car has been driven 2 lakh kms is because we go to pune atleast 3-4 times a week..basically everynight we feel like going to sunny da dhaba...and then we go to pune and chill around go to clubs..sleep there ...and at times even goa from there...the car is spacious enough for 5 5 of us..every night are either in puna..lonavlaa..goa ..or place like that..the car is still so smooth..and has gone for complete servicing twice..which did not cost much...the only difference we find is...speed is lil slower than my car..both the cars have freeflow...most of my cars have freeflow except for the ones driven by parents and all...the only difference = speed is that in my car...u drive smoothly without revving in 5th gear..the car goes upto 160...but in the other does not go more than 140-145...yeah but if we pull ..then it goes upto 160-165...this car is really swwweeet and it truly truly rocks