The bear is lovable. The deer reminds us of the donkey from Shrek. A lot of the dialogues and picked up straight fro Shrek. The insistence of the sidekick on we and the continuous denial of the we was very shrekish.
The movie also seemed to be a collection of spoofs from other movies. The best character was that of the scottish squirrel voiced by Billy Connoly.
The storyline is very very predictable... Bear brought up by human...bear meets one horned deer...bear grows up and causes trouble...kindly sheriff recommends sending him back to nature... bear feels abandoned with no real wilderness skills... deer causes trouble for bear... bear pisses off the animals and tries to get back to town...blah! blah!
Anyways, a very mundane story with the predictable ups and downs with a few stupid hunters thrown in. Ho! Hum!
Kids will love the bear animation. This movie does not even hold a candle to Shrek or other recent animations.