Compare to Speed & Compatibility, Opera is the fastest browser than Mozilla Firefox and chrome, I dont know why our people are still hanging in old browsers?
I am using computer for more than 1 year, I have not faced any issues. It is reliable, fast, user friendly and safe.
It is really quick and fast. It has security features that check websites for malware and fishing attacks. The browser also uses advanced encryption when you visit a secure website and provides the option of erasing all private data, such as browsing history and cookies. This would be suitable if you are browsing a shared computer.
The Internet browser allows you to customize your security settings. For example, you can turn off the option to have the browser check each site you visit for security threats, even though doing so can leave your system vulnerable.
Help and support is also good, overall it is advanced security protocols and rapid speeds.I strongly recommend for people who suffers very slow browsers