Opera is very fast, small, reliable enough(improves from version to version - now its more reliable then IE 5.5) and free! It uses your computer memory in a clean way - not becoming a memory hog after half an hour of usage (like Netscape/Gecko) - and doesnt make you feel good using a better product than anything M$oft created so far? It features also a decent email program, but if youre a real professional, team OPear with Eudora mail and youll have an unbeatable communication solution at your fingertips - for free!
I have used Opera, IE and Netscape and always get confused which one to use between opera and IE.
Opera is a terrific alternative to IE and Netscape. Its faster and more flexible, with a number of why-didnt-they-think-of-that-before features. But dont toss your other browsers just yet. Some non-standard pages (enhanced) dont display properly, or sometimes at all, in Opera. (Opera support people blame those who write non-standard pages, and theyre right: whats the point of having standards if you dont pay them any mind?) Opera includes e-mail and instant messenger clients. It allows you to conduct searches in Google or other popular search engines right from your browser without having to first call up the search engines page. It has lots of keyboard shortcuts for those who would rather avoid using the mouse. It has far better privacy features than the competition. And the biggest reason to go Opera: it promotes competition in the browser market. (Opera is available in a free, adware version, and a $40 version without the ads but with no additional features.)