Hi guys, here I provide you my personal review on oppo a37 because I peronaly use this phone. First of all Oppo is not indian company is chiness company.There are less oppo user in india Oppo a37 is a 4G voltv phone with HD screen resolution 1280p. Rear cam is 8 megapixel and front is 5 megapixel both result is good specially selfi camera. Ram is 2 GB which is ok for normal use if we talk abt memory is 16GB with 256 expendable memory. Weight is light.Gorilla glass give the toughness to phone with nonremoveable bettry. Bettery life is good.Android version is lolipop which is not letest one. Sound is ok not up to mark. In look it is like Iphone. No extra ordinarry feature. Price is more because feature is less. But overall phone is not hang bettery life is good and tough phone.