Realme2 32GB
This is the best android smartphone
This mobile I buy it is in best condition and work fine and properly It is the brand of oppo the mobile is 4g You buy any smartphone for ther any family member buy thi phone
Its cammera quality is amazing and its battry quality is best battery backup is 5-6 hr regular use its internal memory is 32 gb
It install more & more app Its display is good Finishing This mobile you purchased??
Because its price is very less than other mobile
All function are available in this phone ??
I like the phone very much Its service good
Its service center is eaisly available in your city
Total oppo mobile ?? is very best sound quality and camera but this phone ammazing mind blowing I think that I purchase or 2 mobile for my family membet This mobile is Gifted by My Father on my birthday I am surprised that my Father give this mobile ??
This mobile give me all function that I need So I review that 5 star You can buy is Offline & Online anywere are available this Mobile
You think that I can buy a smartphone
So please buy the best smart phone