I sincerely respect those roadside, small time repair guys a lot. More so after seeing Orange Motors hopeless service. Few instances:
They wanted to charge me 2% or something because I was using a credit card for 16K (surprise surprise!, I wasnt aware of this much charge)!!! What??? I had to fight with them not about that 2%, but for the fact that a CAR service center is charging some % on credit card usage. huh!!!
My cars left window doesnt roll down fast. Multiple service requests and one great service engineer says, "not all fingers are alike no sir?" I stopped complaining after that.
Will call back in 10 min... NEVER in these 5 years, I got a call back in time! We have to be available when they need you. Not the other way round. Phew!
Compressor gone... we will order... you will get it in a weeks time.. will be around 22K. I tried reaching out to them for a month only to realize that such complain is not even registered during my previous service! After escalation, they at last ordered, saying it would cost me 28K with accessories.
I reluctantly say OK, and then after 2 days they call up to say that the car is repaired. pay up 36K. Great estimations (or expectations???)!!! Ive been trying to escalate it for around 2 weeks and nothing happens. - and many many more. Oh yeah, I did have some lighter moments in their service center at times when other customers come and vent their frustration on the service center guys! :)
Overall, my worst decision in life.