Orange is one of a few examples of foreigners coming and looting us. On the other hand, our own BPL gives you much much better voice quality, cheaper prices and much better network coverage!!!
Comparing BPL with Orange, we get to know many in and out things about the wrong!!
Orange charges you Rs.5.oo per RINGTONE sent whereas BPL charges only Re.1.
Orange has a poor network coverage in congested areas, undergrounds, also in closed rooms , whereas BPL gives you good coverage ever always.
Also if you note, all the new services are FIRST launched by BPL, and then Orange follows suite!!!Now WHYS THAT!!! BPL introduced the TWIN card in which you could call your friend at just 50 paisa. This was introduced some two months ago and then after one month Orange followed suite!!!. If you still dont believe me, check out THE NEW GPRS that ONLY BPL OFFERS. Is it that Orange just forgot to do what BPL does.
Come on ORANGE PEOPLE . . . . Dont you have your own brains!