Hello folks,
I just wanna say that ORANGE is the best till date, I have not tried out AIRTEL which was launched two days back but hats off to orange, For BPL my opinion is totally negative.
I was using a BPL cellular service since 1996, but the service very poor, when I say poor I mean it :-
1> Their network is poor
2> They have very poor customer service
3> They will always trouble you with your bills(u will
be asked to pay for facilities you never availed)
4> They will send gundas and local touts to your house
to collect your dues
5> U will get poor BPL network in a elevator or AC rooms.
These are only a selected few of many more from my list. I will describe my case with BPL
This is when I was using BPL. I got a call one fine afternoon from my dad saying that some BPL people have come home to collect your Payment dues, I just asked those people to tell me what are those dues and why wasnt I notified about it earlier by phone, or my post. They had no answer. hey did not budge from my house until I went home from office at 5:30 Pm (they had arrived at 2:00Pm) After reaching I was told that the dues were for a GPRS connection which I have used for one month. I just asked them what GPRS connection, I dont even have a GPRS enabled mobile device with me, they said we dont know about that your have to pay RS. 2, 500 /- for GPRS activation and Rs.850 /- for one month GPRS rental. I just called their customer service and put forth this situation.
The reply I got was Sir, Im very sorry , this is due to a problem with our billing system, please ignore the charges I just got mad at this answer and just fired her verbally, at this I just kicked out those fellows from my house for causing me so much trouble. I went to the nearest BPL gallary to complain about this but didnt get satisfactory reply. I just asked them why they send such ill mannered and roadside touts to do such a job, their answer was Sir we outsource such activities to the local area outlets This created a really bad impact on me and that very day I terminated my BPL cellular service.
I booked ORANGE that very day through a corporate offer available for Mahindra and Mahindra employees.
Now we had one orange connection ( mine ) and one BPL connection ( My elder Bros) in my house. We both never used to get any signal in our living room. I had complained about this several times to BPL but they paid no heed.
BUt with ORANGE I might have made only two calls ( One about this problem and one reminder and the very next month ie. sometime in June 2001 I started getting full signal in my living room , but my brother had no signal through BPL.
I called up ORANGE service to thank them. They told me they had erected one Cell Site in my area. When I just looked around I found one Cellular antena right on top of one building in my area. THANKS TO ORANGE FOR THIS PROMPT AND IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Till now I have had no issues about billing or any other problem with orange in my one year usage of ORANGE. HATS OFF TO ORANGE.