Review : I guess the orange branding strategy really worked on me. I was totally captured by the advertising and the promises so mcuh so that although my entire fmaily had a bpl subscription yet I chose orange. I think they put somthing in my coffee that night. My first bill itself with orange proved ot be a nightmare. Apparently I was wrongly informed by my local service centre guy tht the first bill (for post paid users) entails free sms. I receive my bill and I get charged an obscenely huge amount for sms. Of course Orange helpline is useless.. the wait time is atleast 12 min and even after that who knwos if yu will get through.. relaly its all a guessing agme. bookies pay attention! so I go to the service cnetre guyall livid.. and he tells me to calm down pay up and automatically get credit in the next bill. I think thats just unfair , orange screws up and I have to pay? so newya after much thought and afterthought I did pay.. an dpromptly am informed by the orange guy that I wont get the credit.. I mean its a likely possobility. so fine now I was reallllly angry. I got his boss number & fired him .. and then two days later.. a very sweet ( ykwno those women who soudnliek theyhave been gorging onl ozenges all day?) voice tells me..its NOt orange fault but the servcoie centre guys .. (as if I care) and as a SPECIAL case the credit will be granted. (thank yousoo much dahling after al that trouble, I get branded a special case) well so the bill arrives and sure enough I get the credit.. but really .a ll the nonsense I had to undergo was truly not expected form an MNC. As for the customer service, guys please!!! get a few phoens and hire a few people!!! india needs employment!!! not to mention soem promises that are actually KEPT.