If you want your money to be sucked by a black pit oops orange pit then go ahead and use the Information Service provided by Orange !
Orange provides information services (that is only a name and one may not necessarily get any information) via SMS to 123 for which they charge Rs. 2 per message ! ...For Eg: If you need emergency ambulance service, just send AMB <location> to 123 and wollah...you will be charged but you may not receive any information about ambulances available in your location ! Instead you will get an SMS saying a stupid thing like this information is not available at this time .
This is the same for other services like police station, fire station, weather, etc.
When I called up the orange call centre to inquire as to why my account was charged even though I did not get any information, the IVR-oriented girl at the other end kept repeating in a mechanical manner that it is the system that has charged my account and that is the procedure. When I further asked her to give me a logic for charging me even though I did not get the required information, she went on to say... oh u did get the information sir, the message that said that this information is not available at present....i was shocked to hear this response and repeated questioning did not yield any fruit as the Robot hardened girl was mindlessly repeating the same thing....there was no point in demanding the rationale and logic on why I was charged ! So I decided that ive had enough and disconnected!
On that day I decided that I would not let my hard earned mony go down the orange pit called information service or rather no-information service !