Welll ESSAR............SIM CARD............NEW PLAN........
launched two post paid plans - Talk 500 and Talk 1000.............
Under Talk 500, the tariff for an incoming call is Rs 1.50 and outgoing calls is Rs 2.65 per minute.........
Under the Talk 1000 scheme, an outgoing call rate is Rs 1.25 per minute and incoming call rate is Rs 2.25 per minute
Introducing Talk500 & Talk1000........
The exciting, never-before plans that allow you to talk just more........
. All it takes is a commitment of Rs 500 or Rs 1000 per month and a whole new world of communication is open for you. .....
To begin with our special reduced rates allow for both incoming and outgoing calls to be charged at unbelievably low rates. ....
What more you get the unbeatable Talkathon.......
For a subscription fee as low as Rs 99, you can choose 2 or 3 nos. that you talk most frequently to....
And then, you call them as often as you desire.....
. At absolutely Zero talktime cost...
And if this wasnt enough, you can even opt for Night Speak. This gives you amazingly low rates at night.
so hurry up.........