Thisgarmi has forced us to rely something other than our fans to keep us cool.Relly isnt it too hot nowadays?Our electric bills are usually already quite high(like 2000 Rs per month) so buying an AC was not an option.Hence we opted for this Machine.
Its an Orient cooler with 30 liter capacity of water .In all there three knobs to control the cooler .One such knob controls the pump which wets the honeycomb like cooling medium behind the machine.The other two knobs control the speed and direction of the air. The machine does not cool the surroundings much.It may reduce the surrounding temperature to a maximum of 4 degrees.
It is based on the phenomenon which honeybees use to cool their honeycomb. This technique is quite eco-friendly but it would never be able to cool like an AC(after all it dosent have a compressor).So expecting this from that machine is not right.One should know the fact before buying this . This product does give a good blast of air tough.At 6000 Rs its not too good not too bad but just Ok.