I truly have panda eyes since I was a youngster and has been my issue starting now and into the foreseeable future. What I like about this eye cream is that its humble and immerses well. It doesnt help with my dark circles, however hey, its supported paying little mind to the value(I live in Indonesia BTW and its around 800 inr on the off chance that Im not stirred up). I like it for just an immersing eye cream(Im using my second compartment right now), so Im going to surrender it a thumb in light of the way that a huge part of eye creams are super pricey.
This is just a soaking eye cream. Theres nothing more to it. This ought to illuminate your eyes, lessen hardly perceptible contrasts and help with swelling and black ring circles. I utilized full boxr however nothing unless there are different choices happened, by any methods. I am 24 and I have so barely detectable contrasts that I can simply see with a 10x mirror, didnt do anything for them either. As for the dark circles Ive been having them since I was considered and they stayed as they were. It feels slick and makes my eyes feel tired However to the degree immersing goes, the cream does its business completely well and the eye zone feels to a great degree hydrated. When I apply it in the morning my eyes look and feel fundamentally more attentive. It furthermore makes a not too bad base for blending your concealer:)