Genre Hard Rock (and I mean HARD)
Evaluation I dont usually call myself a hard rocker. Truth be told Im more into bubble gum and ballads. So for me to RAVE about a hard rock album, well it has to be good. So here goes.
Paul Rogers, lead singer of bad company has THE greatest rock and roll voice of all time. I know many will disagree but he has made every group hes been a front man for including his first group Free where he made famous the incredible All Right Now. I knew then that this guy was something special. Well, with Bad Company he took something special to a whole new level. This album has the best of the best. I will touch on my personal favorites.
1) Cant Get Enough Their first big hit. I cant get enough of your love! No one sings like Paul Rogers. This song is a perfect example of his unmistakable style. Pretty, no, Dynamic, YES!
2) Ready For Love A little more laid back than their usual fair. This shows Rogers range as a man who can sing a slow one as well. His voice could melt butter.
3) Feel Like Makin Love Every time I hear this song I just wish it wouldnt end. The really long fade out just isnt long enough. The drumming on this song is magnificent. Rogers voice is at its best and this was, as it should be, one of their biggest hits. If this song doesnt get your blood going then you are one foot from deaths door.
4) Shooting Star A Bad Company classic. Dont you know you are a shooting star..dont you know? This was not released here in the states as a single but got so much airplay off the album that they had to include it on their best of album. Just a great song.
5) Wild Fire Woman If I tried to sing this song my throat would crack and all the pieces would end up on the floor. Arguably his all time greatest vocal performance. This was not a big hit but still got played to death. I never got tired of it.
6) Rock And Roll Fantasy I usually like to limit my best of the best to 5 but this song just couldnt be left out as it is my all time favorite Bad Company song. This is probably the most polished I have ever heard Paul Rogers voice. This song and his delivery are as smooth as silk and the hook is as catchy as they come. Another song I never got tired of and one of my favorite songs by anyone from that year.
Bottom Line: There are other good songs on the album. Bad Company is very consistent. If you like the above tunes you will most likely like a good deal of the rest of the album. I will admit that there is some filler material. Not every song can be a classic. But even the filler material is enjoyable because of Rogers amazing voice. If you dont like hard rock you may still enjoy hearing one of the all time great rock vocalists but this album is probably not for you. However if you are a die hard rock and roll fan and have never heard of Bad Company or havent had the chance to get any of their albums then this is one album you just have to have.