As shown in the opening sequences Original Sin is not a story about lovers but love that considers betrayal a virtue and truthfulness a sin.In this film there are current heartthrobs Antonio Banderas and Angelina Jolie playing the lead role and they do make a stunning pair but thats all they can do.With a wafer thin story all the stars have to offer is their wonderful looks.One thing that would have made this picture hit was the sex scene which has been relegated to the cutting table.
The story is a confusion of mystery and thriller.Banderas advertises for a bride from America and finds to his surprise a stunningly beautiful imposter Jolie.Banderas is more than happy at his good fortune and carries the marriage ceremony though with speedy resourcefulness only to find that he is suckered royally.The story then twists and turns using shock tactics to keep the audience glued but the attempt is doomed because beyond the thinly veiled narrative there is much nothing.Even the beautiful camerawork dosent save this film