This is silky, gorgeous & wonderful & a fabulous product from a new line that Ive become addicted to using.
Their products are in my local Hudson Bay Company shop, near my subway stop. Ive tried their testers & loved them.
Then my husband brought me a gift basket from Rodeo Drive. LAVENDER & VANILLA. I thought Id died & gone to heavens garden. SOOoooooOOO nice & silky. The scents & the scrubs are magnificent.
You feel SO incredibly sexy in these scents.
THEN I tried the Step Lively. I took it with me on a hiking vacation. It saved my vacation. All that WALKING... and my hoofies kept up! The urban shopping, the sight-seeing, the wilderness hikes! I tell you, this product is amazing.
Now, I think that the Gerlachs Gehwol products are pretty impressive, but the Origins doesnt smell as medicinal as Gehwol Extra. I keep a supply of both in my suitcase! (Gerlachs also eucalyptus, rosemary lavender & thyme: BUT! its prevents dry skin, sweety feet, calluses & deodorizes. AND the feet are really warm if youre going out in the cold!!)
The Origins product is much, much more public acceptable. I dont have to worry about overwhelming smells.