Orissa development corporation in puri is a corporations which was initiated to develop all kinds of Tourism in Orissa especially In Puri, since its one of holy and scared place in Orissa because of lord Puri Jaganath Temple and konark sun temple in konark, both located near to Bay of Bengal.Every year millions of people visit to puri and konark, so in order to promote this Orissa development came came up with an idea to Start a Corporation in puri.
They run a small administrations how to keep the city clean, how to take of foreign people and take extra care of them, to start new hotel branches in the city. They deal with such kind of things and ever since their start they are spreading all over the state, and this corporations have done so much over the years .All thanks to the staffs working their, their efforts leads to such praise for the city and state.I would advise people visiting puri or Orissa to approach them in case if any emergency or difficulties am sure they gonna lend their support.