Back in the mid 2000s Orkut was BIG. I mean it was The big thing. Most of the young net savvy Indians had an Orkut account. Orkut was an introduction to the world of Social Networking in India. Young Indians were so crazy and hooked on to Orkut that it even received MTV Youth Icon of the Year Award in 2007!
"Scraps", "testimonials", "Orkut Communities" were the buzz word. But then all of a sudden there was a mass exodus of Indians from Orkut to Facebook. Google(Orkuts owner) was too slow to update it and reap the first mover advantage. Sadly Google has stated that from 30th Sep 2014, Orkut will be officially Shut Down. Although we dont miss Orkut these days, we certainly will miss the good old days spent on Orkut.
Adios Orkut.