Orkut is an online community designed to help people connect, build relationships and create engaging communities around common interests.
Note:- Now u no longer need an invitation to become a member.
The design of the site is Simple. It does not contain flash content or many high resolution images like other online communities because of which it is easy to navigate the site. It is also better option for dialup users becuase it doesnot take much time to load.
(a) Meet old friends.
(b) Make new friends who share similar interest through communities.
(c) Share ur views & opnions on various issues.
(d) Sort friends as - Best Friends, Good Friends, Friend, Acquaintance & Havnt Met.
(e) Give ur friends ratings for - Funny, Cool & Sexy.
(f) Become a fan of ur friend thereby increasing his popularity.
(g) Write a Testimonial for ur friends.
(h) With integration of Google Talk(Gmail Messenger) in Orkut, u can now know which of ur friend is online on Google Talk.
(i) Remind the birthday of ur friend on ur homepage if ur friend has made public this birth date.
(a) Diffcult to search for friends who have very common names.
(b) Contains lots of fake profile.
(c) Some users stole ur pics from ur album and use them for wrong means.
(d) If u r a girl then u rec. lots of friend invitation and useless scraps.
(e) Communities r not properly monitored which led to many disappropriate communities comming into extistence.
(f) For banning a community or an user u need 1000 "Report as Bogus" clicks from different users.
(g) Many times when u click on link it returns with an error "Server busy try after sometime"
(h) Since there is no approval require for scraps some users may post disappropiate content in ur scraps and may also come to know about things which u wont like other(non friends) to know from the scraps posted by ur friends.
(i) If u upload a image for ur profile(profile image is different from album image) then u cant delete it. The only option u have is to change it.
(a) If u have many long lost friends and would like to get in touch with them again then this site is definately for you. New users r increasing day by day and there are many chances that u would find ur old lost friend.
(b) If you want to increase ur social circle then again orkut is the right place for u.
(c) If u r a gal then then u should excercise some precaution like - dont post ur pic (some users may stole ur image for wrong means), Dont accept friend request of those whom u dont know, Keep a regular check of ur scraps (Some users may post disappropiate content in ur scraps), Delete scraps regularly (one which are disapprpiate and which revele information which u dont want others to know).