What with all the contagious epidemics doing the rounds today, one shudders when one reads Oryx and Crake....
This book leads one to wonder - is this what our world is coming to? Oryx and Crake is about the end of civilization and the starting afresh...avariciousness in humans and a tendency to proclaim supremacy over the creator leads to devastating consequences...
The character of Oryx is comparable to Karla in Shantaram- she is enigmatic, she is unapproachable, she is an epitome of mystery. Snowman is your boy next door, who is mersmerised by Oryx and Krake is his friend - the brilliant boy who wanted to change the world into one containing not wolves and hogs, but wolvogs, and pigoons.
Oryx and Crake is dark - very very dark...some have even found it depressing But its a revelation and something that sets you thinking - all the progress of science, all the new technological breakthroughs, all the mind-boggling inventions, through which human beings are gradually strivng to demolish the existence of the Almighty- IS IT WORTH IT?ARENT WE PREPARING OURSELVES FOR PAYING A HUGE PRICE SOMEWHERE?