Current leading organisations are seeking for skilled students from strong business domain. Fresh graduates are stepping out in 1000s but not every student is opting for MBA programme.
Statistics shows the ratio of MBA and non MBA seekers as 6 : 4, that means 60% of the students are opting for MBA and 40% are showing interest on other courses. so, bruiser competition in market. As the demand augmenting , no. of colleges are dilating and offering different business programmes according to the students choice.
Students opting for universities and PTEs by grading in aptitide tests.This colleges provides a standard MBA programme with streams of FINANCE, MARKETING, HRM, IT SYSTEMS etc.. as you know the programme duration is 2 years with tution fee of less than 80, 000 for
complete course.
Top ranking universities and PTEs (private training establishments) are offering on-campus
placements.students are employing based on their, job prospects is high for a skilled one.
What about a non-skilled student?
Do you think B-Schools are best known for assured placements?
Are companies considering students from B-Schools but not his skills?
What is you answer?
My answer is NO.
Can any one tell me how many students passing out from IIPM are employed with top MNCs?
guys you can buy your worthless degree from these schools but not skills.
If you are really sound at your comm.skills and has sound academic records
and need a degree from B-Schools, then go for HARVARD or STANFORD B-Schools.
So, the moral of this story is beware of unregistered B-Schools before heading them.
They impress you by their class infrastructure with dispensable facilities. and grab
your pappas hard earned money.
Title of the story "MBA, IS IT WORTH DOING IN B-SCHOOLS"
hope my post can be helpful to someone who is looking out for B-Schools.