Hello, I am abinash from kochi. I got a coupon from freecharge.com for output antivirus free install.I used It and installed it giving 100 rupees shipping charge .After installation it said me give the license key .I paste the license key what I got in my mail Id. Its working but license is on another persons name named anil.p . After that it says me to up to date database.
First I turn off auto update .I update the data base it takes so much time to up to date and consume so much data . Antivirus price price is 100 .But it needs update 8 times in a day .Now a day 100 MB costs 29 rupees .So 8 times costs 800 MB means 232 rupees per day and 6960 per month and 84680 per year .output is the worst Antivirus I ever installed. And I also found Customer care closed Saturday and Sunday .Really a bad service I ever experienced .